Saturday, September 14, 2024

Analysis of GST Treatment on Preferential Location Charges (PLC)

The Indian real estate sector is integral to the country’s economy, influencing a wide range of industries from construction to financial services. Preferential Location Charges (PLC), a common component in property pricing, reflect the premium for properties in desirable locations within a development project. Recent clarifications by the GST Council have significantly impacted the taxation of PLCs, creating a more streamlined and cost-effective framework for homebuyers and developers alike.

This article provides a comprehensive examination of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) treatment of PLCs, detailing the implications of recent changes, illustrating the impact with examples, and analyzing the broader effects on various stakeholders and the economy.

Understanding Preferential Location Charges (PLC) and GST

Preferential Location Charges (PLC) are additional fees that property buyers pay for premium locations within a development, such as:

  • Corner units
  • Park-facing units
  • Higher floors

Historically, PLCs were taxed separately from the base property value, leading to a more complex tax structure. The recent clarification has integrated PLCs into the overall property value for GST purposes, resulting in a unified tax treatment.

Key Points of Clarification:

  • PLC as Part of Composite Supply: PLC is now considered a part of the composite supply of the property. This means it is taxed at the same rate as the base property.
  • GST Rate: The GST on the composite supply, including PLC, is 5%, with a 1/3rd abatement benefit on the total value (property price + PLC).

Detailed Analysis of GST Treatment: Before and After the Clarification

To illustrate the impact of the GST clarification, let’s examine a practical example:

Scenario: Purchase of an Under-Construction Property

  • Base Property Price: ₹1.5 crore
  • Preferential Location Charges (PLC): ₹20 lakh

Before the Clarification:

  • GST on Base Property Price: 5% on ₹1.5 crore = ₹7.5 lakh
  • GST on PLC: 18% on ₹20 lakh = ₹3.6 lakh
  • Total GST Payable: ₹7.5 lakh (on base property) + ₹3.6 lakh (on PLC) = ₹11.1 lakh

After the Clarification:

  • Total Value (Property Price + PLC): ₹1.5 crore + ₹20 lakh = ₹1.7 crore
  • Abatement Benefit: 1/3rd of ₹1.7 crore = ₹56.67 lakh (GST base)
  • GST on Abated Value: 5% on ₹56.67 lakh = ₹2.83 lakh
  • Total GST Payable: ₹2.83 lakh

Comparison of GST Liability:

ComponentBefore ClarificationAfter Clarification
Base Property Price₹1.5 crore₹1.5 crore
Preferential Location Charges₹20 lakh₹20 lakh
Total Value₹1.7 crore₹1.7 crore
GST Rate on Base Property5% on ₹1.5 crore = ₹7.5 lakh5% on ₹56.67 lakh = ₹2.83 lakh
GST Rate on PLC18% on ₹20 lakh = ₹3.6 lakhIncluded in composite supply
Total GST Payable₹11.1 lakh₹2.83 lakh

In this example, Ashu benefits from a significant reduction in GST, resulting in savings of ₹8.27 lakh.

Impact Analysis

1. Impact on Homebuyers

Cost Savings: The integration of PLC into the composite supply with a uniform GST rate of 5% provides considerable savings to homebuyers. For properties with high PLCs, these savings can be substantial, making premium properties more affordable.

Example: For a property with a base price of ₹2 crore and PLC of ₹50 lakh:

  • Before: GST = 5% on ₹2 crore + 18% on ₹50 lakh = ₹10 lakh + ₹9 lakh = ₹19 lakh
  • After: Total Value = ₹2.5 crore, Abatement Benefit = ₹83.33 lakh, GST = 5% on ₹83.33 lakh = ₹4.17 lakh
  • Savings: ₹19 lakh - ₹4.17 lakh = ₹14.83 lakh

Increased Affordability: The reduced tax burden increases affordability, especially for middle and upper-middle-class buyers who are more likely to invest in properties with PLCs.

2. Impact on Real Estate Developers

Simplified Compliance: Developers benefit from the simplified GST compliance structure. Previously, PLCs had to be invoiced separately with different GST rates, complicating accounting and tax filings. Now, with a unified GST rate, the process is streamlined.

Competitive Advantage: Developers can offer properties at more attractive prices due to the reduced GST burden. This can boost sales and enhance their competitive position in the market.

Example: A developer offering premium properties can highlight the cost savings due to the GST reduction, attracting more buyers and potentially increasing sales volume.

3. Impact on the Real Estate Market

Revival of Under-Construction Market: The real estate market, particularly the under-construction segment, is likely to experience a revival. Lower GST on PLCs reduces the overall cost of purchasing, which can stimulate demand and accelerate project completions.

Price Stabilization: With reduced tax burdens, developers might adjust pricing strategies to remain competitive, leading to potential price stabilization in the market.

Increased Demand for Premium Properties: The reduction in GST on PLCs will likely increase demand for properties in prime locations, benefiting segments with higher PLCs.

4. Economic Impact

Growth in Real Estate Transactions: The clarification is expected to boost transaction volumes in the real estate sector, contributing positively to the overall economy.

Boost to GDP: Increased real estate activity will contribute to GDP growth, benefiting related sectors such as construction, interior design, and financial services.

Job Creation: The rise in real estate transactions and project completions will lead to job creation across various sectors, including construction, real estate services, and support industries.


The GST Council’s clarification on the treatment of Preferential Location Charges (PLC) represents a significant shift in the taxation landscape of the Indian real estate sector. By integrating PLC into the composite supply and applying a uniform GST rate of 5%, the new framework offers considerable benefits to homebuyers, developers, and the broader economy.

Homebuyers gain from reduced GST liabilities, making premium properties more affordable. Developers benefit from simplified tax compliance and increased competitiveness. The real estate market is set to experience a revival, with increased demand for under-construction and premium properties. Finally, the economic impact includes growth in real estate transactions, GDP boost, and job creation.

This change is poised to create a more transparent and equitable tax environment in the real estate sector, driving positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

Key Takeaways

  • PLC is now part of the composite supply of the property, taxed at 5% GST.
  • The 1/3rd abatement applies to the total value (property price + PLC), significantly reducing GST payable.
  • Homebuyers enjoy substantial savings, making premium properties more accessible.
  • Developers benefit from simplified compliance and enhanced market competitiveness.
  • The real estate market and the broader economy will experience positive growth, with increased transactions and job creation.

This detailed analysis aims to provide clarity and guidance on the new GST treatment of PLCs, helping stakeholders navigate the changes effectively.