Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Budget 2024: Strategic Relief in Long-Term Capital Gains Taxation for Homeowners

In response to concerns from homeowners and the real estate sector, the government has taken a strategic step by revising the long-term capital gains (LTCG) taxation rules introduced in the Union Budget 2024. This amendment offers taxpayers greater flexibility and ensures a fairer tax system.

Revised LTCG Taxation Options

The initial Budget proposal aimed to reduce the LTCG tax rate from 20% to 12.5% while eliminating indexation benefits, which allow taxpayers to adjust the purchase cost of assets for inflation. This change sparked criticism, particularly from those who rely on indexation to reduce their tax liability.

Recognizing these concerns, the government has introduced a pivotal amendment, offering taxpayers a choice:

  • Option 1: Opt for the 12.5% tax rate without indexation benefits.
  • Option 2: Choose the 20% tax rate with indexation benefits.

This choice is applicable to properties acquired before July 23, 2024, ensuring that taxpayers can select the option that minimizes their tax liability.

Implications of the Amendment

  1. Increased Flexibility: By offering a choice between tax rates, the government has provided taxpayers with the flexibility to select the option that best suits their financial situation. This ensures that the tax system remains fair and responsive to individual needs.

  2. Protection for Homeowners: For those who purchased properties in earlier years, indexation has been a crucial tool for reducing taxable gains. By retaining the option for indexation, homeowners are protected from an unexpected increase in tax liability.

  3. Stability in the Real Estate Market: The initial proposal had the potential to disrupt the real estate market by making property transactions less attractive. The amended approach is likely to preserve investor confidence, ensuring continued growth and stability in the sector.

  4. Grandfathering for Early Investors: The amendment acts as a grandfathering provision, applying to properties acquired before the specified cut-off date. This protects early investors from retroactive changes and provides a smoother transition to the new tax regime.

Illustrating the Impact

Consider Ashu, who bought a property in 2005 for ₹50 lakhs and sells it in 2024 for ₹1.5 crores. Under the revised rules:

  • Option 1: Without indexation, the tax is calculated on the ₹1 crore gain, leading to a higher tax outgo.
  • Option 2: With indexation, the purchase cost is adjusted for inflation, reducing the taxable gain to ₹30 lakhs, resulting in a lower tax liability.

This example highlights how the amendment offers significant relief by allowing taxpayers to choose the most beneficial option.

Strategic Rationale

The government's decision to revise the LTCG tax proposal demonstrates a strategic response to feedback from key stakeholders. By retaining the option for indexation, the amendment addresses concerns about increased tax liability while still offering a lower tax rate for those who may benefit from it. This balanced approach is designed to prevent a slowdown in the real estate market while ensuring that the tax system remains equitable and fair.


The revision of the LTCG tax regime in Budget 2024 is a well-considered move that balances fiscal responsibility with economic growth. By offering a choice between tax rates and preserving indexation benefits for properties acquired before July 23, 2024, the government has crafted a solution that provides immediate relief to taxpayers while promoting long-term stability in the real estate market. This amendment is a positive step towards a more flexible and fairer tax system.