Sunday, July 21, 2024

Correcting Ineligible ITC Claims: Detailed Accounting Treatment and Financial Adjustments for FY 2023-24


Fair Limited, a manufacturer of fabric products, faced an issue related to the availing and utilization of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on a car purchased for official use. The car was acquired on 1st April 2023 for Rs. 20,00,000, excluding GST at 18%. The company's statutory audit for FY 2023-24, conducted on 1st July 2024, highlighted discrepancies in ITC claims and the accounting treatment thereof. This article provides a detailed analysis and corrective measures based on the relevant legal provisions and accounting standards.

Scenario Overview

  • Purchase Details:

    • Date: 1st April 2023
    • Purchase Price (Excluding GST): Rs. 20,00,000
    • GST on Purchase (18%): Rs. 3,60,000
    • Total Cost with GST: Rs. 23,60,000
    • Estimated Useful Life: 5 years
    • Salvage Value: Rs. 20,000
  • ITC Utilized:

    • Amount Availed: Rs. 3,60,000
    • Month of Utilization: October 2023
    • ECL Balance Post Utilization: Nil
  • Depreciation Recorded: Rs. 3,96,000 (using a straight-line method based on a cost of Rs. 20,00,000)

Relevant Legal Provisions

  1. Section 17(5) of the CGST Act, 2017:

    • ITC is not available for motor vehicles with a seating capacity of up to thirteen persons unless used for specific purposes like further supply, passenger transportation, or driving training.
  2. Section 50(3) of the CGST Act, 2017:

    • Interest at 18% is payable on wrongly availed and utilized ITC from the date of utilization until the date of reversal.
  3. Ind AS 10 - Events after the Reporting Period:

    • Adjusting events are those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period. Such events require adjustments in financial statements.

Accounting Treatment

  1. Initial Recording of Car Purchase

    Since ITC on the car is not allowable under Section 17(5) of the CGST Act, the GST amount should be added to the car’s cost.

    Journal Entry on Purchase (1st April 2023):

    ParticularsDebit (Rs.)Credit (Rs.)
    Car A/c23,60,000
    To Bank A/c23,60,000

    This entry records the car at its total cost including GST.

  2. Depreciation Calculation

    The company initially calculated depreciation based on Rs. 20,00,000, excluding GST. The correct depreciation should be based on the total cost of Rs. 23,60,000.

    Initial Depreciation Calculation: Depreciation=20,00,00020,0005=3,96,000\text{Depreciation} = \frac{20,00,000 - 20,000}{5} = 3,96,000

    Correct Depreciation Calculation: Depreciation=23,60,00020,0005=4,68,000\text{Depreciation} = \frac{23,60,000 - 20,000}{5} = 4,68,000

    Journal Entry for Depreciation (End of FY 2023-24):

    ParticularsDebit (Rs.)Credit (Rs.)
    Depreciation A/c4,68,000
    To Car A/c4,68,000
  3. Reversal of ITC

    Since the ITC was wrongly availed, it needs to be reversed along with interest.

    Journal Entry for ITC Reversal (July 2024):

    ParticularsDebit (Rs.)Credit (Rs.)
    GST Payable3,60,000
    To Motor Vehicle (Asset) A/c3,60,000
  4. Interest on Wrongly Availed ITC

    The interest on the wrongly availed ITC is calculated from the date of utilization (October 2023) to the date of reversal (July 2024).

    Interest Calculation:

    MonthNo. of Days
    October 202331
    November 202330
    December 202331
    January 202431
    February 202429
    March 202431
    April 202430
    May 202431
    June 202430
    July 202420
    Total Days244

    Interest Calculation: Interest=3,60,000×18100×244365=57,978\text{Interest} = 3,60,000 \times \frac{18}{100} \times \frac{244}{365} = 57,978

    Journal Entry for Interest:

    ParticularsDebit (Rs.)Credit (Rs.)
    Interest on GST Reversal A/c57,978
    To GST Payable57,978
  5. Adjustment of Depreciation

    Due to the increase in the car's cost, additional depreciation needs to be recorded.

    Additional Depreciation Calculation: Additional Depreciation=4,68,0003,96,000=72,000\text{Additional Depreciation} = 4,68,000 - 3,96,000 = 72,000

    Journal Entry for Additional Depreciation (20th July 2024):

    ParticularsDebit (Rs.)Credit (Rs.)
    Depreciation A/c72,000
    To Car A/c72,000

Summary of Financial Impact

  • Reversal of ITC: Rs. 3,60,000
  • Interest on ITC: Rs. 57,978
  • Additional Depreciation: Rs. 72,000

The total reduction in profit for FY 2023-24 due to these adjustments is Rs. 1,29,978 (comprising Rs. 57,978 in interest and Rs. 72,000 in additional depreciation).


The auditor’s contention regarding the ineligible ITC was accurate. The adjustments required include the reversal of the wrongly availed ITC, payment of interest, and recalculation of depreciation. These actions ensure compliance with the CGST Act, 2017, and align with Ind AS 10 requirements, reflecting a true and fair view of the company's financial position.

By following these detailed corrective measures, ABC Limited adheres to legal standards and accounting principles, safeguarding the accuracy of its financial statements.