Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Guidance on Prudent Use of MSME Samadhan Scheme and Maximizing Benefits


In the vibrant tapestry of India's economy, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) embroider essential threads, fostering innovation, creating employment, and propelling economic growth. However, delayed payments from buyers often unravel their financial fabric. To weave resilience into this sector, the government introduced the MSME Samadhan Scheme, a lifeline for timely payment recovery, ensuring the sustenance and growth of MSMEs.

Understanding the MSME Samadhan Scheme:

Enacted in 2006 and launched in 2017, the MSME Samadhan Scheme mandates buyers to settle dues within 45 days. Failure incurs compound interest, reinforcing fair trade practices and bolstering MSMEs.

Eligibility and Filing Process:

Accessible through the MSME Samadhan Portal (, the filing process involves:

  1. Registration: Utilize Udyog Aadhaar Number (UAN) or Udyam Registration Number for portal registration.

  2. Login: Verify credentials through OTP authentication.

  3. Filing Claim: Furnish accurate details and attach relevant documents.

  4. Submission: Submit the application for review by the MSME Samadhan team.

Dispute Resolution Process:

When disputes arise:

  1. Conciliation Proceedings (Section 18(2)): MSE Facilitation Council (MSEFC) intervenes, facilitating conciliation or referring to an institution.

  2. Arbitration Proceedings (Section 18(3)): Unresolved cases proceed to arbitration, managed by the council or arbitration institution.

  3. Appeal (Section 19): MSMEs retain the right to appeal against arbitration outcomes.

  4. Execution of Decree: Final decisions are executed as per arbitration provisions.

Prudent Use and Recommendations:

Navigate the scheme effectively:

  1. Risk Assessment: Evaluate future business risks with the buyer before initiating claims.

  2. Diversification: Expand customer base to mitigate dependency risks.

  3. Negotiation: Prioritize amicable resolution methods before formal proceedings.

  4. Monitoring: Continuously monitor payment trends for early issue detection.

  5. Legal Consultation: Seek legal advice to grasp legal ramifications and mitigate risks.

Table at a Glance - Recommended Actions:

Register on MSME Samadhan PortalUse UAN or Udyam Registration Number for portal access.
Understand Eligibility CriteriaReview eligibility conditions outlined in the MSMED Act, 2006.
File Claim ApplicationSubmit complete claim applications with pertinent documents.
Monitor Application StatusRegularly track application progress on the portal.
Assess Business RiskEvaluate potential future business risks with the buyer.
Diversify Customer BaseExpand clientele to reduce dependence on single buyers.
Negotiate AmicablyAttempt diplomatic resolution methods before formal actions.
Seek Legal AdviceConsult legal experts to grasp legal implications and manage risks effectively.


The MSME Samadhan Scheme emerges as a beacon for MSMEs amid turbulent financial waters. By understanding the eligibility, filing process, and dispute resolution mechanisms outlined herein, MSMEs can harness its potential while safeguarding against potential risks. Through strategic utilization and proactive risk management, MSMEs can navigate payment challenges, ensuring resilience and prosperity in the dynamic marketplace.